Cotton Roots Retail
Our purpose is to give you a choice when your are searching for leisurewear which is Fairtrade certified and organic.
Whether for yourself, your children, your friends, your club, charity, school or business we will do our very best to help.
We work closely with wonderful teams in India, led by Sreeranga. They grow the Fairtrade cotton and manufacture the t shirts, polo shirts, hoodies and aprons for us.
Our desire is to supply you with excellent quality clothing while growing cotton in a fair way and paying a fair price. Fairtrade helps to make it possible to manufacture the garments with care to both the products and to the people who make them for you.
The quality soft, durable "long staple cotton", the expert stitching and finish we are thrilled with, manufactured in smaller factories with skill, care and attention to detail.
We hope you will be part of the story with us.
Please Take a Look at our Catalogue